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- About | Semi Respectable
About Trailer • 4 minutes Semi Respectable is an animated comedy that revolves around Hal Yinessa, his family and the inhabitants of a small American town called Mohiqua [moh-hee-kwa]. Despite trying to be respectable grown-ups, life just keeps getting in the way. Whether it's at work, at home or somewhere in-between you often set out to do one thing and wind up doing a whole other thing. Respect is earned they say, well, how does one at least become Semi-Respectable? The series features the voices of professional stand-up comics, television and stage actors. A great cast bringing a show to you for free as often as we can. Keep checking this site and YouTube as we drop new episodes, have exclusive give aways and whatever-the-heck-else we feel like throwing out there. Thanks for the support!
- Season One | Semi Respectable
S1E1 The Words S1E2 The Talk S1E3 The Human Resource S1E5 The Fertility S1E4 The HandiCap S1E6 The Very Special S1E7 The Garbage S1E8 The Online Date S1E9 The Smiths S1E10 The Public Enemy
- Original Animated Series and Cartoons
Season 2 Coming Soon! Watch Our Trailer! Season 1 LATEST Ep.10 Sn.1 The Public Enemy Nick unintentionally and unknowingly draws massive media, scrutiny and social ire after a night out with friends takes a turn for the unexpected. 11 minutes • Ep.9 Sn.1 The Smith's Barry Smith and his family are fairly new to the neighborhood. Barry who prefers the nickname “Vinny” decides to help Hal run some errands around town while car is out-of-service. We get a few insights into Barry’s unique way of looking at the world and why he seems somewhat out of place in suburbia. 6 minutes • Ep.8 Sn.1 The OnLine Date Erin is single and wants to re-enter the world of dating with a touch of modern sophistication via on-line surveys and comparison matches. Has she met her dream man? Her daughter Kim certainly has an opinion on the matter. 4:40 minutes • Ep.7 Sn.1 The Garbage Hal finally decides to take care of the tree stump that has been an eyesore on his front lawn for months. Also, figuring to score a few points with Vivian, what could go wrong? Well, people do like their order & routine, one should tread lightly. 5:30 minutes • Ep.6 Sn.1 The Very Special The Sounds star center Count Dunkula, wants to further his brand and that of the team as well, by appearing on America’s #1 family sitcom “That’s my Billy." However, every so often a comedy turns special . Hal is placed in a precarious spot, TV or not TV that is the true question… 7 minutes • Ep.5 Sn.1 The Fertility Ray and Mayumi have a great son Yoshii but Mayumi wants more. The numbers say now is the time, but Mother Nature doesn’t like to be scheduled, a wise man who has seen some things weighs in to help Ray with some sage wisdom during his time of need. 4 minutes • Ep.4 Sn.1 The Hanicap What should have been a quick run to the store turns dramatic and ridiculous for Hal and Vivian. 5 minutes • Ep.3 Sn.1 The Human Resource Ray has returned home from being over seas. With his military commitment fulfilled, he's eager to join the civilian working world again. However, he's finding the modern working world and what it requires are not quite as he expected. 5 minutes • Ep.2 Sn.1 The Talk Vivian thinks it’s time for Hal to be the man of the house. Melinda is an actress and that world has many pitfalls, the guidance of a good parent could keep the child safe, or so the theory goes. 4:30 minutes • Ep.1 Sn.1 The Words Hal is trying to be active on his smart phone. Why not play a game that everyone plays, it’ll be fun. Everyone is a genius at making words, it’s "just like Scrabble," so what could possibly be the problem? 4 minutes •
- Series One | Semi Respectable
Series One The first ever trophies are a unique set of cards delivered in two different series'. Series 1 - features a a soft matte card with rounded edges and highlights episodes or characters from the show. All the images are tributes to pop-culture, there are 200 printed cards featuring 13 different images. Each card is individually numbered. Series 1A (LTD) - similar to series 1 except this series was printed on high grade card stock with a series colored orange parchment in the middle. This series is also individually numbered but was limited to only 50 cards featuring 10 different images. Autographs - very select cards from each set were signed by the awesome cast..
- Contact | Semi Respectable
Contact Like our show? Want to know more about it? Have something to say? Let us know! Follow the twitter (@SemiRespect) and keep checking this site. We will routinely give away one-of-a-kind memorobelia and free stuff! The bigger we get the better your stuff gets! Welcome to the clam bake, fill out this form: Success! Message received. send
- Extras | Semi Respectable
Some videos of our townsfolk doing what they do. Living in our world. A series of clips and shorts. Pretty much anything goes here. It's every actor's dream to land steady work. On top of that landing a job on a series as important as Sem-Respectable puts extra pressure on a thespian. Take a rare look inside the process, and see how some of our talented cast fared in their early interactions, as they started to become their characters.
- Visit Mohiqua | Semi Respectable
Coming Soon!
- Season One | Semi Respectable
S1E1 The Words S1E2 The Talk S1E3 The Human Resource S1E5 The Fertility S1E4 The HandiCap S1E6 The Very Special S1E7 The Garbage S1E8 The Online Date S1E9 The Smiths S1E10 The Public Enemy
- S1 E6 The Very Special | Semi Respectable
The Sounds star center Count Dunkula, wants to further his brand and that of the team as well, by appearing on America’s #1 family sitcom “That’s my Billy." However, every so often a comedy turns special. Hal is placed in a precarious spot, TV or not TV that is the true question…
- S1 E10 The Public Enemy | Semi Respectable
Nick unintentionally and unknowingly draws massive media, scrutiny and social ire after a night out with friends takes a turn for the unexpected.
- Video Extras | Semi Respectable
Coming Soon!
- S1 E2 The Talk | Semi Respectable
Vivian thinks it’s time for Hal to be the man of the house. Melinda is an actress and that world has many pitfalls, the guidance of a good parent could keep the child safe, or so the theory goes.